- 24 HOUR EMERGENCY RESPONSE, Disaster & Storm Recovery
- Direct Insurance Billing
- Confined & Dangerous Removals, Crane Service, Very Low-impact
- Pruning - Corrective Pruning, Wind Sale Reduction, Safety Thinning, View Enhancing
- Logging – Logs of value may be credited towards a portion of labor charges
- Vegetation Management - Selective Thinning, Mowing, slashing, portable tub grinding
- Stump Grinding vs. Excavation – Low-impact stump grinders pulverize the stump in place to a standard
of 6” deep but available to nearly 30” deep. This wood mulch is
typically left in place and is most commonly used in landscape beds.
Excavating can be less expensive on larger projects but is the
preferred method to ensure complete removal of the stump. Expect quite
a bit more lawn damage when excavating. Once stump is removed it can be
hauled away or if permits allow, may remain to be burned on-site.
- Chipping & Mulching